Owning a Business

Portuguese Law has been gradually reducing bureaucracy and obstacles to business owners. although most businesses still must meet regulations, criteria, licensing, the formal procedures have become less complex.

To start a business in Portugal, setting up a Limited Liability Company may be the right option. Setting up a Company is nowadays a swift and mostly simple process.

Becoming a resident - registration at the local municipality

Other EU/EEE countries’ citizens will become Portuguese residents almost automatically.

Once an EU/EEE citizen lives in Portugal for more than 3 months he should register as a resident at the local City Council.

a residence certificateshould be applied for within the 30 days after one lives here for more than 3 months.

It is required a valid identity document (identity card or passport) and declaration that states that either will receive income while in Portugal, or if it is not the case, that will have enough means of support to live in Portugal.

Fiscal Residency

the Portuguese tax law establishes that anyone that spends more than 183 days per year in Portugal, or has by the 31st December a home in Portugal in such way it can be assumed it will be used as the usual residency, is considered a tax resident.

Non-Habitual Resident Status

In an effort to attract more expatriates to become tax residents, the tax law establishes a new residency status that implies tax benefits.

It is called the non-habitual residency and it is applicable to anyone that is eligible for fiscal residency in portugal, and was not considered resident in the 5 years before.

Non-habitual tax resident status carries tax benefits, as it allows a different taxation and even exemption to whoever registers as such, within 10 years.

The benefits vary according the type of income. If the income results from pensions the rule is the full exemption within the following 10 years if the double taxation convention signed with Portugal establishes that pensions should be taxed at the State of residency.

A Portuguese Will

It is advisable to have a Portuguese Will drawn at a Notary.

The validation procedure of a Will drawn at other country can be too complex, and therefore the transmission of Real Estate to the heirs will become simpler and swifter.

The Will will be kept at the Notary, and only freed when its author is deceased.

With the coming to force of the EU Regulation n. 650/2012, the applicable law for succession matters is, by default, the law of country of residency.

Any EU resident that wants to ensure that his/her succession will not be ruled by the Portuguese law, but by the Nationality law, must draw a Will, establishing this intention expressly.